Private School Testing FAQ


Which tests are used in private testing?

We use the Wechlser tests, which assess a fairly wide range of abilities, including verbal, nonverbal, processing speed, and memory.  For preschoolers (and some Kindergartners), we use the WPPSI-IV.  For ages 6 and up, the WISC-V is used.   

Testing time varies from child to child, depending on age and other factors.  The Wechsler tests take one to two hours to administer.  

How can I prepare my child for private testing?

The validity of the Wechsler results is based on a child having not received coaching or test preparation.  If it becomes apparent that the child has recently been exposed to the material, the test results will be considered invalid.  

How should I explain the testing to my child?

It depends on your child’s age and how they cope with new situations.  For older children (approximately fifth grade and up), parents may wish to be transparent about the purpose of the testing.  Younger children typically do well with a simple explanation such as that they are going to do some “learning activities.”  Every effort should be made to minimize any stress or pressure around testing.  We are happy to discuss specifics with you that consider the needs of your child.  

What can I expect at your office when I bring my child for private testing?

We start by bringing both child and parent into my office to help orient the child about what to expect and to give the child a chance to settle in.  The parent will wait in the waiting area during the testing.  We have complimentary wireless access for parents.  Depending on the age and temperament of your child, you are free to leave the building.  Your child will be given opportunities for breaks.  Parents should bring snacks for their child.  We also have snacks to offer and make a point of getting your permission before offering these foods.  

If time permits, we will score the testing during a break and meet with you briefly (approximately 10 minutes) to review the results.  Otherwise we will call you later in the day with the results.  

Reports are completed within a week of testing.  The report will include a behavioral narrative of your child in addition to the test results.  

My child has separation anxiety or is very shy.  Will you be able to still get his or her best performance?

Most children enjoy the one-on-one structure of the testing and experience the session as positive.  Many children are curious and find the novelty of the testing activities to be fun.  

Even very shy children are likely to manage the separation from their parents well and are usually more talkative after their parent leaves the room.  We are usually successful in putting children at ease and pulling for their maximal performance.  In rare instances when this is not the case, we will discuss this with you and note such concerns in the test report.    

Can you bill my insurance for private testing?
No. Insurance does not cover testing for giftedness. Please inquire about current fees.